About Us

Tree Messenger is a new way for interactive communication between loved ones, family and friends. Tree Messenger allows people from around the world the ability to leave an environmentally friendly message on an animated tree forever.

The creation of TreeMessenger.com was inspired by my daughter, Andrea Pilar. She was born on Dec 9, 2004 with Trisimony 21 (also known as Down Syndrome) and a heart defect (AV Canal). Andrea was admitted into the hospital on May 19, 2005 for open heart surgery and was finally discharged the day before Thanksgiving 2005, after receiving nearly nine surgeries.

During Andrea's hospital stay she received numerous echocardiograms which provided medical staff with readings of her heart function (blood flow thru the chambers and valves). The program used on the Acuson echo machine is known as "Sequoia" which displays an animated tree as the program starts. The software used is a product of Siemens Medical.

It became apparent to me that the "animated Sequoia tree" was providing, not only medical staff but family and friends a message, hence TreeMessenger.com.

Andrea hopes that TM provides you with a positive messaging experience.